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Snappy Operas | News | Meet Me @ Mahogany

Meet Me @ Mahogany: Make It Snappy

Make it Snappy - exploring the process of collaborative composition as creative development for professionals and participants.

Meet Me @Mahogany is Mahogany Opera’s new virtual Open House where we share insights and ideas around what we do and how we do it, connecting people to our creative practice.

Join us on Wednesday 6 October 18:00 – 19:30 (BST) as we explore the process of making a Snappy Opera and other participatory projects that combine devising with structured composition, taking everyone on a creative journey together. The conversation will be guided by Rhian Hutchings with a panel of inspiring practitioners with a wealth of experience in this area:

Stephen Deazley is an award-winning composer, renowned educationalist and presenter, and founder of the music education charity Love Music. He is the Snappy Opera programme music director and the composer of Snappy Opera – Peck!

Gwyneth Herbert is a vocalist, multi-instrumentalist, composer & musical activist, and is currently working with Music and Theatre for All and the community of Lewisham to create an Urban Opera. Gwyn is the composer/writer of Snappy Opera – The World’s Beating Heart.

Omar Shahryar is an award-winning composer, facilitator and peace-maker working for opera companies and arts festivals around the world.

Freya Wynn-Jones is a director, singer and maker working across a wide range of professional, educational and community settings. Freya is a Snappy Opera associate artist and has directed more Snappy Operas than anyone else.

Rhian Hutchings is the CEO of Anthem. Music Fund Wales, and a trustee of Operasonic and National Youth Arts Wales. She is passionate about music and young people, and has spent most of her career creating opera with young people & communities

Tickets are free, you can register for the event on Eventbrite click here.

This event will be live captioned with BSL interpretation will be available, please contact to confirm details. If you have other access requirements that you would like to discuss, please get in touch

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