Current Commissions

Previous Commissions

Artists & Collaborators

Commissioning innovative work for the stage, we work with professional and non-professional artists in partnership with a wide range of organisations. Whether acting as lead commissioner, or supporting the visions of others through light-touch partnerships or consultancy, Mahogany Opera’s approach to creating new work is deeply collaborative – offering a shared agency throughout the process to everyone involved. Many of our projects have been developed through Various Stages and adopt thorough periods of research and reflection.

Our commissions have been performed across the UK and internationally at a wide range venues and festivals. Since 2014 we have created 25 new commissions and toured them extensively, receiving many accolades and awards for our boundary-pushing and inclusive work.

No company in Britain is as committed to the creation of new music theatre as Mahogany. Their work is innovative, artist-led and collaborative, which makes working for them a deeply rewarding experience.
Jessica Walker, singer

Folie a Deux 008 Johan Persson

This production undoubtedly represents the best of contemporary art collaboration.
Folie à Deux (shown above) in The London Word

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Heart 2


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OPEN CALL: Snappy Opera Commission 2025
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Commissioning | News | Events & Performances

Sky In A Small Cage: In Pictures
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Commissioning | News | Events & Performances

Performance dates for Sky in a Small Cage announced
Untitled design 1


Commissioning | Snappy Operas | News | Events & Performances

Roll Up! Public Screening
Open Call 3


Commissioning | News | Recruitment

Open call for Sky in a Small Cage
TGL Lead Image


Commissioning | Recruitment | Events & Performances

The Great Learning: Creative Community Devising Days
Support Our Work

We seek to break down barriers, work outside conventional constructs and offer space for a multiplicity of voices. Your donation can help us to find new ways of telling stories, and making opera for the here and now.

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