Support Our Work

Since 2003 Mahogany Opera has been redefining what opera is and who it is for. The communal experience of creation and performance is at the heart of what we do - bringing people together to spark a shared imagination.

By supporting Mahogany Opera you’ll help us provide nurturing working environments where ground-breaking new operas are made, and opportunities to flourish and learn are shaped and shared.

If, like us, you believe that music and the arts can transform lives, you can support our work by donating, sponsoring or making a grant. We receive no regular funding, and in what is an especially precarious time for the arts and artists, each gift has an impact on what we do.

You can connect with Mahogany’s music, theatre, and people by donating as an individual, a business, through a grant from Trusts and Foundations, or by leaving a legacy gift.

Become a 360 Supporter

Like all arts organisations, Mahogany Opera, together with the artists we support and the children and audiences we serve, has been greatly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and the cost of living crisis. Your support will help us to survive this crisis and respond creatively to changing situations.

Becoming a 360 Supporter is the best way to support Mahogany Opera.

As a 360 Supporter you give the essential 360° all around funding that allows us the time and resources to craft our ambitious programmes and to build the strong partnerships needed to underpin the sustainability of Mahogany and the resilience of contemporary music theatre in the UK.

Please contact Karen Malim to discuss making a regular donation to support Mahogany Opera or set up a direct debit via the Charities Aid Foundation by using the ‘Donate' button below.


Become a Snappy Opera Supporter

Snappy Operas is our award-winning education programme that contributes to improving children’s learning, health and social development.

Snappy Opera Supporters believe in our vision that every child should experience opera before they leave school and recognise the value of joyful and creative music making in primary schools.

One of the best educational experiences I have ever had the pleasure to be involved in. The results and impact it had on the children’s confidence, self-esteem were moving to see.
Snappy Operas Class Teacher

As a Snappy Opera Supporter you are helping to build strong school communities across the UK, supporting teachers in gaining skills and confidence in using the arts, creating opportunities for music educators to develop new skills and approaches for working in primary schools, and helping to remove barriers to the arts.

We are very grateful to the current Snappy Opera supporters who made our work with Sandgate School in Kendal possible:

  • Francis Creighton
  • Avril Danczak
  • Bob Essert
  • Dr Joan Hester
  • Anne Minors


Become an Innovation Fund Supporter

The Innovation Fund is at the heart of our commitment to commissioning and producing new work, to supporting artists and their creative processes, creating opportunities to build relationships and nurture ideas, and forging partnerships with other companies and organisations.

As an Innovation Fund Supporter, you provide the transformational giving that supports our commissioning and allows us to produce new operas. The Innovation Fund also supports Mahogany Opera's Various Stages programme, providing opportunities for artists to create new work in new ways.

Each one of our new commissions aims to connect with the world around us, opening up a space for self-reflection while also embodying the change we hope to see in our sector and our society. In one hand, we hold up a mirror – reflecting the world as it is here and now. In the other, we hold up a window onto an alternative world of possibility.
Frederic Wake-Walker, Artistic Director, Mahogany Opera

The Innovation Fund was inspired by a legacy gift from entrepreneur John Hughes. John was passionate about innovation in many different spheres, and we are proud and fortunate to be able to continue his legacy in partnership with our supporters. We use the Innovation Fund together with support from individual donors responding to appeals, with major gifts from philanthropists and from first-time commission supporters - from people who want to be part of bringing something new to life.


If, like John Hughes, you would like to leave a lasting legacy, you can remember Mahogany Opera in your will.

If your business is interested in supporting creative work, we’d love to talk to you about opportunities for sponsorship and commissions.

Please contact Karen Malim to talk about our making a legacy gift or sponsorship.

Current Supporters

We are very grateful to our current supporters without whom our work and our company would not be possible.

  • Sir Richard & Lady Aikens
  • Peter Chamberlin
  • Francis Creighton
  • Susanna Dancy
  • Avril Danczak
  • Caroline Erskine
  • Bob Essert
  • Sophie & Hamish Forsyth
  • Ian Hamilton
  • Dr Joan Hester
  • Penny Jonas
  • Professor Ludmilla Jordanova
  • Dianne & Edward Libbey
  • Thomas Lingard
  • Robert McFarland
  • Anne Minors
  • Anthony Newhouse
  • Madeleine & John Tattersall
  • Simon Wadsworth
  • John Walton
  • Carol & John Wates
  • Christian Wells
  • and those who wish to remain anonymous.
Support Our Work

Mahogany Opera exists today because of the generosity of our supporters. People who help to create and to sustain and who bridge the gap between project funding and delivery costs.

Please consider joining us to help support and continue our work.

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