Current Commissions

Our commissions that are being developed, in production or out on tour.

Click on a commission below to find out more.

Out of Her Mouth Set 6

Out of Her Mouth

Three extra­or­di­nary can­tatas by Élis­a­beth Jaquet de la Guerre, in bold new trans­la­tions by Toria Banks, staged for the first time in the UK in part­ner­ship with Dunedin Con­sort and Hera

My project 1

The Great Learning

Com­mu­ni­ty led devis­ing project, rais­ing ques­tions about how soci­ety func­tions, and what lessons we can learn for a bet­ter future.

Nwando Ebizie Headshot

Hilde­gard: Visions

An immer­sive mys­tery opera by Nwan­do Ebizie, inspired by the works and life of Hilde­gard von Bingen

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Roll Up!

Our lat­est Snap­py Opera com­mis­sion in part­ner­ship with Sandgate School, Kendal

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Sky in a Small Cage

Mahogany Oper­a’s new com­mis­sion from Rolf Hind and Dante Micheaux

Support Our Work

Mahogany Opera exists today because of the generosity of our supporters. People who help to create and to sustain and who bridge the gap between project funding and delivery costs.

Please consider joining us to help support and continue our work.

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