The World’s Beat­ing Heart

The Bandormeagles never cry and the Zadorantha never laugh. And that is how they like it. But is that really how they like it?

Welcome to our slice of under water paradise
We’re dancing to a new beat, a strange beat, a true beat
We’re dancing to the rhythm of the world’s beating heart

At the bottom of the ocean, at the World’s Beating Heart, live two very different groups of creatures. The Bãndor Meagles and the Zadorantha. Then one day, the mysterious Sãppaclonkey arrive. Can the Heart of the World beat to a new rhythm?

27 May 2023

Nida, Lithuania, in partnership with "Agila" Nida Culture and Tourism Information Centre

11 July 2022

Playhouse Whitley Bay, in Partnership with North Tyneside Music Education Hub

7 April 2022 – 14:30

Queensmead Primary School, Leicester, in partnership with Leicestershire Music Hub

1 July 2019

Nottingham Playhouse In partnership with Nottingham Playhouse


28 June 2019

Nevil Holt Opera, Market Harborough, In partnership with David Ross Education Trust

12 July 2018

Rosehill Theatre, Whitehaven, in partnership with Rosehill Theatre

18 June 2018

Nevil Holt Opera, Market Harborough, in Partnership with Leicester-Shire Music Education Hub

28 March 2018

Saffron Hall, Essex, in partnership with Essex Music Education Hub

27 March 2018

St Anne’s, Limehouse, in partnership with Tower Hamlets Arts & Music Education Service

26 March 2018

Beechwood High School, Slough, in partnership with Slough Music Service

22 March 2018

Bridlington Spa in partnership with David Ross Education Trust

22 March 2018

Robert Smyth Academy, Leicester, in partnership with Leicester-Shire Music Education Hub


Commissioned by Mahogany Opera Group and Tower Hamlets Arts & Music Education Service as part of Mahogany Opera’s Snappy Operas programme.


Arts Council England, The Austin & Hope Pilkington Trust, The Bernarr Rainbow Trust, Foyle Foundation, The Kobler Trust, Lucille Graham Trust, Peermusic UK, PRS Foundation (Talent Development Fund), and those who wish to remain anonymous

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