The Mag­i­cal Music Tree

The hunters are coming and if this tree falls, so do the Fish, Dodo and Unicorn sheltering among its magical musical leaves…

We are the music, come and join us
We are the music, listen to us
We are joined as one in every song
In the music tree, we all belong

A group of mythical creatures - dodos, unicorns and fish - call a tree in the heart of the woods home. A group of hunters want to capture these creatures and decide to blow up The Magical Music Tree. They’re not music lovers, not yet anyway. Eventually the wise unicorns come up with a cunning plan that has everyone singing in harmony.

All those who took part agreed the experience was fantastic, and family and friends were amazed by the performance.
Times and Star

27 May 2023

Nida, Lithuania, in partnership with "Agila" Nida Culture and Tourism Information Centre

19 November 2021

Oldfleet Primary School, Hull, in partnership with Hull Music Service

22 June 2021

Laughton Community Primary School, East Sussex, in partnership with Villages Music Festival

2 August 2019

Rosehill Theatre, Cumbria


3 July 2019

The Playhouse Whitley Bay in partnership with North Tyneside Music Education Hub

28 June 2019

Nevil Holt Opera, Market Harborough, in partnership with David Ross Education Trust

23 February 2018

London Olympia, Music & Drama Education Expo

6 February 2018

Gala Theatre, Durham presented with Durham Music Service

4 April 2017

The Playhouse Whitley Bay in partnership with North Tyneside Music Education Hub

30 March 2017

The Drill House, Great Yarmouth, in partnership with Norfolk Music Service

29 March 2017

Launceston Town Hall in partnership with Cornwall Music Education Hub

28 March 2017

The Apex, Bury St Edmunds, in partnership with The Apex and Suffolk Music Education Hub

24 March 2017

Whitehaven Civic Hall in partnership with Rosehill Theatre


Commissioned by Mahogany Opera as part of Snappy Operas.


Arts Council England, Foyle Foundation, The Kobler Trust, PRS Foundation (Talent Development Fund), and those who wish to remain anonymous

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