Luke Carver Goss


Luke Carver Goss is a composer & performer who writes for and performs with unusual and regular instrumental combinations.

He writes and performs regularly with poet and broadcaster Ian McMillan. Their group The Ian McMillan Orchestra toured the length and breadth of the UK, and featured on The South Bank Show. Together, they co-curated Sage Gateshead's first Words & Music Festival. The centre-piece of this was Homing In, a work for gigantic instrumental and vocal forces. Their most recent commissions together are 3 new carols for choirs: ‘A Single Snowflake’, ‘Looking for a Stable’ and ‘Here Comes the Knocker Up’ He has also worked with several touring bands, including The Angel Brothers, The Devil’s Violin Company, Tea Hodzic Trio and Szapora.

His own work, (apart from Mahogany’s Snappy Opera!) includes commissions for Black Dyke Brass Band, Tredegar Town Band, The Sage Gateshead, BBC National Orchestra of Wales, BBC Symphony Orchestra and London Sinfonietta. He was a composer for the Cultural Olympiad and his piece Pure Gold: a 4X4 Relay was broadcast on radio 2 and 3.

For Mahogany Opera: The Magical Music Tree.

Luke Carver Goss headshot
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