Snappy Operas27th March 33

Peck! per­for­mance Tow­er Ham­lets, Lon­don, 2018


Snappy Operas

Snappy Operas: The Final Report

We've come to the end of Snappy Operas pilot. Two years working with primary school children and top industry composers and librettists to develop ten mini-operas has drawn to a close, with 1500 children having performed in their very own operas.

We have once again worked with Annabel Jackson Associates to assess the impact of this unique project. You can read all about its key strengths below, or download the full report.

Snappy Opera Final Evaluation Report 2018


  • Mahogany Opera have created an exceptional product: making opera a contemporary, creative and professional experience.
  • The delivery of the product is exceptional. Mahogany has highly skilled project management for a programme that is challenging because of its complexity and spatial spread.
Organ­is­ing such a mam­moth of a project, with all of the dif­fer­ent com­po­nents and dif­fer­ent regions and some per­for­mances even occur­ring simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, I feel that the Snap­py Opera Team pulled it off with aplomb.
The way the artists and the organ­i­sa­tion as a whole works with the schools is spe­cial. Even though each school is just one of 25 across the coun­try, it still feels that each school is spe­cial — the artists are com­mit­ted to doing the best for every child.
  • The overall package, including the online resource, makes the project strong value for money and impactful. The online resources were used to clarify roles, to review the score, to allow students to rehearse independently, to support teacher-led sessions, and thus to make the best of the time in the workshops.
  • Students gain an immersive experience, working alongside a team of industry professionals who are also highly skilled facilitators.
It gives the chil­dren a chance to per­form opera in an acces­si­ble way. But it isn’t talk­ing down to them. It uses the lan­guage of opera.
This has been the best project that I have ever tak­en part.
Utter­ly inspir­ing and amaz­ing. The most well organ­ised and pro­fes­sion­al rehearsal I have been involved in over 25 years! It was amaz­ing to have four experts for each rehearsal. The pianist being there for each rehearsal, made such a dif­fer­ence to the entire rehearsal.
  • The environment for the arts in the school is increasingly challenging, which places pressure on the team.
On this project, I think what I real­ly noticed is how the cul­ture of music is being erad­i­cat­ed in schools.
Cre­ative leader
  • Artists and creative leaders gained insights from the collaborative process.
More than ever I saw that it is cru­cial to devel­op a new piece with per­form­ers. I also learned a lot about what exact fea­tures of a score and text comes over from chil­dren per­form­ing on stage.

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