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New Trustee Announcement

We are delighted to announce that Amy Challen and Dwight Pile-Gray have joined our Board of Trustees

We are real­ly excit­ed about Amy and Dwight join­ing the Mahogany board. They bring a wealth and breadth of knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence that will con­tribute huge­ly to the devel­op­ment of the organ­i­sa­tion. The process of select­ing our new trustees was an enrich­ing one for us all and the arrival of Amy and Dwight marks the begin­ning of a new chap­ter for Mahogany.
Pen­ny Jonas, Fred­er­ic Wake-Walk­er and the trustees of Mahogany Opera
I am hon­oured to be join­ing the Board of Trustees of the Mahogany Opera Group. It is rather excit­ing to have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work with such an inno­v­a­tive and ground­break­ing organ­i­sa­tion. As some­one who is pas­sion­ate about opera in all its many forms, it is won­der­ful to see such active com­mis­sion­ing of new work with the explic­it aim of reach­ing new audi­ences. I have nev­er believed that opera can­not be inclu­sive and rel­e­vant, and it is exact­ly the kind of work that Mahogany does which will ensure it can be.
Amy Challen
It is my great plea­sure to be appoint­ed to the board of Mahogany Opera. We are now at an incred­i­bly excit­ing point in terms of how we devel­op both our audi­ences and our abil­i­ty to deliv­er excit­ing and inno­v­a­tive per­for­mances both live and vir­tu­al­ly. Mahogany Opera are a thriv­ing cre­ative organ­i­sa­tion ded­i­cat­ed to pro­vid­ing a qual­i­ty, acces­si­ble opera expe­ri­ence for all. I hope that I can use my expe­ri­ence to com­pli­ment what is already a fan­tas­tic team.
Dwight Pile-Gray

Amy Challen developed a love of classical music at an early age, learning violin and piano. She didn't get much opportunity to see opera whilst growing up, but has made up for it since. She studied Philosophy, Politics & Economics at Oxford and continued her adventures in academia at Princeton, Sciences Po Paris, the Free University Amsterdam, and the London School of Economics. Her Ph.D. research focused on the econometric impact assessment of intervention programmes in education. Since leaving academia, Amy worked at McKinsey & Company and as an independent consultant, gaining wide-ranging experience in strategy, operations, organisational change, and leadership development, whilst consulting to some of the world's largest organisations. She currently leads the advanced analytics strategy and delivery at a major multi-national, and joined the Mahogany Board in March 2021.

Dwight Pile-Gray is a professional conductor, horn player, academic and is currently Musical Director of two orchestras. He is also a PhD student at London College of Music, University of West London. His research is focused on the influence of African music on 20th Century African American composers as well as teaching undergraduate conducting and on the postgraduate performance course. A passionate advocate of diversity within classical music, he sits on a number of diversity initiatives and is collaborating with the BBC, highlighting the work of diverse composers.

Mahogany Opera is committed to collaborative and inclusive ways of working. We know opera can be, and is widely perceived as, a form of culture that upholds systemic injustices rather than challenging them. It does not have to be that way. We endeavour to create work that is open and welcoming to everyone who wants to participate. If you are interested in hearing more about our work and how to get involved please contact ally@mahoganyopera.co.uk - we'd love to hear from you.

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