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Snappy Operas | News

Mahogany Opera launches the Snappy Opera Festival

Uniting thousands of children to stage and perform their own operas across the country.

This summer Mahogany Opera will launch the Snappy Opera Festival - an annual event that will give thousands of primary school children across the UK ownership of opera.

The Snappy Opera Festival 2019 will involve children from Northamptonshire, West Cumbria, Suffolk, Nottingham, North Tyneside and Leicestershire, delivered in partnership with the David Ross Education Trust, Leicester-Shire Music Education Hub, Nottingham Playhouse, North Tyneside Music Education Hub, Rosehill Theatre and Southwold Music Trust.

The Snappy Opera Festival will culminate in a series of performances across the UK, with the participating primary schools in each region coming together in their local theatre for a shared, grand finale performance.

As I trav­el across the UK vis­it­ing pri­ma­ry schools I am bowled over by the enthu­si­asm and excite­ment that opera gen­er­ates among chil­dren, teach­ers and par­ents but I’m also shocked and frus­trat­ed by the lack of resources, time and con­fi­dence to deliv­er it. What we’ve learned since launch­ing the project in 2017 is that Snap­py Operas deliv­ers in a most holis­tic, com­pact and engag­ing way. Our dream at Mahogany is for every child to expe­ri­ence opera before they leave school; not just to fos­ter a life-long love of music and the­atre but because of the incal­cu­la­bly pos­i­tive affect opera has on enabling self-expres­sion, spark­ing the imag­i­na­tion, fos­ter­ing cre­ativ­i­ty, build­ing con­fi­dence, teach­ing empa­thy, open­ing up new lines of com­mu­ni­ca­tion between chil­dren, teach­ers and par­ents, con­nect­ing us to our emo­tions, improv­ing motor skills and coor­di­na­tion. In short, with­in opera lie the fun­da­men­tal build­ing blocks of human devel­op­ment and Snap­py Operas are the most won­der­ful learn­ing tools to access this.
Fred­er­ic Wake-Walker

Download the full press release here.

The Snappy Opera Festival 2019 is supported by the following charitable organisations. Without them our work would not be possible.

Arts Council England
Foyle Foundation
The Kobler Trust
The Vaulkhard Douglas-Home Music Trust
Finn Family Foundation
The Catherine Cookson Charitable Trust

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