Wesley Stace


Wesley Stace was born in Hastings in 1965. Since 1988, he has released many albums under the name John Wesley Harding and recorded duets with, among others, Bruce Springsteen, Lou Reed and Rosanne Cash. His next album, Late Style, is released by Omnivore in September 2021. Stace has published four novels, including the international bestseller Misfortune, and recently co-wrote Mark Morris’ memoir Out Loud. He also created Cabinet of Wonders, a monthly show that plays at New York City’s City Winery, and which The New Yorker called “one of the finest nights of entertainment this city has to offer.” He has taught at Princeton, Swarthmore and Fairleigh-Dickinson, and writes regularly for the Times Literary Supplement and the Wall Street Journal. He lives in Philadelphia.

It’s been a great thrill to work on Dido’s Ghost with Mahogany Opera. I’m deeply impressed with their commitment to making opera count.

For Mahogany Opera: Dido's Ghost.

Photo credit: Mike Hipple.

Wesley Stace headshot
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