Suzie Purkis

mezzo soprano

Suzie Purkis is a mezzo soprano based in London. She made her debut as an emerging artist at Longborough Festival Opera in 2023 performing the roles of Puck, Snug and Egeus in Polly Graham’s new production of Purcell’s Fairy Queen. Other operatic roles recently performed include Carmen for Heritage Opera and Natasza in the premiere of Michael Betteridge’s opera Across the Sky at Cheltenham Festival.

“As a cheerfully rebellious Puck, Suzie Purkis sparkles, literally and vocally” Opera Today

With a special interest in new music, Suzie has performed works by many twentieth century and contemporary composers. Performances have involved singing in a cage in a zoo (on German television), performing in an ice rink during public skating hours and an opera in a swimming pool. She has recently formed Pace - a new music collective - and is working on a programme with Flora McNicoll cello and Chris Bowden saxophone.

Having begun her studies at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire where she won a scholarship and many prizes, Suzie went on to complete the Opera Works course at English National Opera. As well as performing, she enjoys a busy teaching schedule, helping others to explore and enjoy their voices, and is an experienced singing workshop leader.

Plans for 2024-25 include candlelight concerts with Ex Cathedra Choir and Consort, a concert of music by composer Liz Dilnot Johnson with the Fitzwilliam String Quartet, a project with Mahogany Opera in Newcastle, a free improv gig with pianist Steve Tromans at Fizzle Birmingham, and concerts of new music with Pace.

For Mahogany Opera: Roll Up! / Snappy Operas

Suzie Purkis 1
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