Harald Hieronymus Hein


The German bass-baritone and performer Harald Hieronymus Hein from Hanover is establishing himself as an internationally sought-after interpreter of contemporary music.

In 2024, HHH will make his debut at the Munich Biennale for New Music Theatre and in Madrid (ES) with the Plural Ensemble. In addition to Germany (Frankfurt Opera, Staatstheater Mainz, Staatstheater Darmstadt, Prinzregententheater Munich) and Austria (Graz Opera, Neue Oper Wien), engagements have taken him to Hungary, Romania, Italy, Russia and the Czech Republic. He has performed at international festivals such as Wien Modern, Musikprotokoll, NODO, Ligeti 100, Frakzionen, Impuls, KlangArt-Vision, Hörsturm and the Bregenz Festival, and has sung with renowned ensembles such as the UMZE Ensemble, Cantando Admont, the Ensemble Modern and with members of Klangforum Wien.

Harald Hieronymus Hein completed his studies in opera singing with Berthold Possemeyer and Thilo Dahlmann at the HfMDK Frankfurt with honours.

HHH completed his Master's degree in "Performance Practice in Contemporary Music - Vocal" with Holger Falk at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, also with honours.

For Mahogany Opera: Sky In A Small Cage

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