Emily Jane Grant


I am a bilingual facilitator, director and performer. I have just completed a season directing at Cumbria University in Carlisle and am very excited to be coming on board as a director for the Snappy opera projects. I work regularly with Freshwater Theatre, Théâtre sans Frontières, Le Rosey International school in Switzerland and UWS in Dehradun India as well as running my own company: www.jointhedotstheatre.com I trained at Middlesex University, E.N.S.A.T.T in France and then with Moon Fool theatre with whom I work with as an associate artist. This collaboration has been instrumental in shaping my my work with musicality and physical ensemble performance. I thrive on seeing the power theatre has to educate and empower and I love to bring work to audiences that are new to theatre and forge artistic connections across cultures.

For Mahogany Opera: Snappy Operas.

Emily Jane Grant Headshot
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