Alice Beckwith


Alice Beckwith is a freelance composer, educator, and creative producer. An ABRSM examiner, she runs a private studio teaching oboe and piano, and delivers regular academic teaching and music workshops, facilitating outreach projects with arts organisations including Opera Holland Park and Cavatina Chamber Music Trust. She is a passionate advocate for arts engagement and accessibility, and specialises in producing opera for small-scale venues.

Committed to promoting opera and music education to all young people, Alice is producing Julian Philips & Stephen Plaice’s new children’s opera, Henny Penny; a project which promotes language learning through opera in UK primary schools. As a music therapist she has worked with ExCathedra, delivering Singing Medicine at the John Radcliffe Children's Hospital, Oxford. She was a staff accompanist for Children's International Voices of Enfield between 2014-17.

Alice read Music at Lincoln College, Oxford University, subsequently studying composition at the Royal Academy of Music. She is a former project manager for YPIA (Young People In the Arts) and has worked with Guildhall School of Music & Drama, English National Opera, Schott Music, and Ulverston International Music Festival.

For Mahogany Opera: Snappy Operas.

Alice Beckwith headshot
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