Aaron Holloway-Nahum


Aaron has conducted more than 300 World and UK Premieres in festivals such as Aldeburgh, HCMFUK//, Darmstadt, Wien Modern, Dark Music Days, Klangspuren and Gaudeamus. He has led ensembles in the United States, England, Wales, Scotland, Iceland, Sweden, Finland, France, Holland and Spain.  As the co-Artistic Director of Riot Ensemble , Aaron has commissioned and conducted music by emerging and established composers ranging from Clara Iannotta and Bára Gísladóttir to Alex Paxton, Naomi Pinnock, Georg Friedrich Haas and Chaya Czernowin.

In addition to numerous live radio broadcasts, Aaron has led recording sessions in Abbey Road, AIR, Deutschlandfunk Köln, and Real World Studios. In education contexts, he has led workshops, recordings and performances at Grammar Schools and Higher Education Institutions such as the Royal Academy of Music (where he is currently on the composition faculty), Cardiff University, Royal Holloway, and the Hochschule Darmstadt, where he was a visiting professor for eight years.

For Mahogany Opera: Sky In A Small Cage

Aaron Holloway Nahum2
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