Marc Dunleavy

Associate Producer

Marc Dunleavy is a Producer and Project Manager of live music, theatre and immersive art, with a particular focus on education, participation, and engagement, through a desire to make the arts more inclusive, accessible and diverse. Marc has worked as a freelance Producer with Mahogany Opera since January 2018, managing and developing their Children & Young People programme across the UK, as well as supporting the organisations other creative programmes and communications.

For Harrogate International Festivals, Marc is Programming Associate for a portfolio of literary festivals and since 2015 has managed, programmed or supported a range of other festivals and events including the Harrogate Music Festival, Speigeltent & Children’s Festival and the organisations music education programme. Marc also works as a Wellbeing Tutor for National Orchestras For All, is a Trustee for Yorkshire based charities &Piano Music Festival and Yorkshire Wind Orchestra, and works with a range of other music ensembles.

Other recent engagements include Fundraising Consultant for The Voices Foundation, Producer for Voicings Collective and Assistant Producer with The Multi-Story Orchestra, as well as a range of consultancy work, performing and teacing. Previously at Opera North, Marc produced and toured Cautionary Tales (2011), The Firework Maker’s Daughter (2013) and A Ceremony of Carols (2013) as well as managing the organisation's youth ensembles and producing a range of engagement and participation projects for young people, families, vulnerable adults and developing artists.

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